Defending Against White Collar Crimes in North Carolina
White collar crimes are offenses that involve deception for financial gain. If you have been arrested and charged with a white collar crime in North Carolina, Floyd Law Offices is here to help. Our Raleigh white collar crime attorney has guided countless clients to favorable outcomes. We will analyze your situation, discuss your options, and tirelessly defend your rights and freedom.
Contact our office today to get started. We accept calls around the clock.
White Collar Crimes in North Carolina
Business professionals and government officials perpetrate many of these offenses, which is where the term “white collar” originated. White collar crimes generally do not involve physical violence. Instead, they focus on financial gain using deception.
The most common types of white collar crimes include:
There are several types of fraud, such as asset misappropriation, consumer fraud, misuse of company assets, and healthcare, insurance, and bank fraud. The crime may be targeted against an individual or an organization. Embezzlement involves stealing money from someone who has a fiduciary relationship with the perpetrator. For example, if a bank teller transfers some money from the institution into his or her personal account, this is classified as embezzlement.
The Impact of White Collar Crime Convictions in NC
White collar crimes are prosecuted aggressively at both the state and federal level, especially in the wake of certain high-profile cases, including Bernie Madoff and the Enron scandal. It is important to note that the penalty range for white collar crimes can vary from offense to offense, or even from one accused person to another.
Penalties for a white collar crime in North Carolina may include:
Heavy fines
Length prison sentences
Damaged reputation
In the state of North Carolina, fraud involving more than $100,000 is a Class C felony. This carries prison sentences of more than 15 years, even for a first conviction. Being convicted of a white collar crime can also cause irreparable damage to your reputation, making it difficult to obtain employment in the future.
Defense Strategies for White Collar Crimes
There are several possible defense strategies that may be applicable, depending on your situation. In order to reach a conviction, the prosecution will have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you intentionally and knowingly committed the crime. If evidence was gathered illegally, we will work hard to have it dismissed in court. Furthermore, if there are not enough facts to support the case against you, it may be possible to lessen or even drop the charges.
Contact Floyd Law Offices PLLC Today
At Floyd Law Offices, we provide diligent representation to clients facing charges of fraud, embezzlement, and other white collar crimes. Whatever your situation, our Raleigh white collar crime lawyer will build your case, keep you informed, and tenaciously defend your rights and interests.
If you are being investigated for, or you have already been charged with a white collar crime, it is important to speak with an experienced Raleigh defense attorney right away. Call (919) 805-3663 for a consultation now.