Under North Carolina Statute §14-27.3, second-degree forcible rape is defined as having vaginal intercourse with a victim against her will and with the use of force. The charge of rape in the 2nd degree can also be levied if the victim has a mental or physical disability.
Penalties for Second Degree Rape
Second-degree forcible rape is a Class C felony. Under North Carolina law, if you plead guilty to or are convicted of this offense you can be sentenced to 44 to 182 months in prison. Rape in the 2nd degree is also considered a “sexually violent offense,” which means that those convicted are also required to be listed on the public sex offender registry.
Attempted Second Degree Forcible Rape
It is a crime in North Carolina to even attempt to commit rape in the 2nd degree—in fact, it is a Class D felony, punishable by 38 to 80 months in prison. Under the law, a person can be charged with attempted second-degree forcible rape if he was unsuccessful in achieving penetration.
Dedicated Sex Crimes Defense
If you have been charged with or if you believe you are under investigation for second-degree forcible rape or any sex offense, it is in your best interest to seek the assistance of an experienced sex crimes attorney immediately.
Contact The Floyd Law Offices for immediate and confidential help.