Understanding Drug Paraphernalia Charges in North Carolina
Drug paraphernalia is anything that is used to grow, manufacture, sell or use an illegal or illicit substance. The following is only a partial list of what is covered under North Carolina statute:
Scales and balances for weighing drugs
Containers or bags used tor concealing or storing a controlled substance
Spoons, blenders, bowls, containers or any mixing device intended or used for compounding a controlled substance
Hyperemic syringes, needles or other objects used to inject a controlled substance
Water pipes used to inhale a controlled substance
Acrylic, ceramic, stone, glass, plastic, metal or wooden pipes used to inhale a controlled substance
Law enforcement and prosecutors will use as much evidence as possible to prove that you knowingly possessed one or more piece of drug paraphernalia and that the item or items in question was indeed intended for a use that would violate the Controlled Substances Act.
Penalties For Paraphernalia Possession in North Carolina
Possession of drug paraphernalia is a Class 1 misdemeanor in North Carolina. If convicted of this offense, you could face:
Up to 120 days in jail
Discretionary fine
It is important to note that a Class 1 misdemeanor possession charge can be combined with other charges, depending on the specific circumstances of your case. For example, you could also be charged with possession of cocaine if trace amounts of that drug are found in the paraphernalia in your case.
Misdemeanor drug offenses should be taken very seriously. If you or a loved one has been charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, contact The Floyd Law Offices today to learn how we can help.