It is illegal to possess any amount of cocaine in North Carolina. If you are caught with any amount of cocaine, you will be charged with a felony. The type of felony and the potential penalties vary, depending on the amount of drug in question:
28 to 199 grams: Class G felony, punishable by 35 to 42 months in prison, mandatory minimum $50,000 fine
200 to 399 grams: Class F felony, punishable by 70 to 84 months in prison, mandatory minimum $100,000 fine
400 grams or more: Class D felony, punishable by 175 months to 219 months in prison, mandatory minimum $250,000 fine
Cocaine Under the Law
It is important to note that both North Carolina and federal statutes governing the possession of cocaine extend to isomers, salts, compounds and derivatives of the drug, including:
Crack cocaine
Cocaine sulfate
Any preparation of coca leaves
Build Your Defense Now
If you are facing any cocaine-related drug charges, it is essential that you work with an experienced Raleigh defense attorney right away.